
TitlePLUS is here to help! Our vast library of resources offers information on CPD, FAQ, coverages, underwriting and searches, pricing, endorsements and policy wordings.

While we try to make our resource library as comprehensive as possible, if you cannot find what you are looking for, or need further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]

Whether you’re looking for CPD programs or training resources, our host of live and pre-recorded webinars and videos can help you with the professional development and learning support that you need.


Backed by LAWPRO and built for lawyers, TitlePLUS provides title insurance solutions for busy legal professionals, offering unmatched coverage that you don’t have to think about.

Since 1997, TitlePLUS has been focused on supporting the valuable and integral role of the lawyer in all real estate transactions. We never compete against you for business, and we work with you to provide comprehensive title insurance solutions for your clients while managing risk to both you and us.